Dec 23, 2011

Not a Christmas post really

Lately, I have been overwhelmed by the amazing grace & unconditional love of God. When I say overwhelmed, I really mean that. Overwhelmed to the point of weeping anywhere at any time. I have been so aware of my need of Him. Seeing in myself what others (other than my unbelievably faithful husband) maybe never see. The side that is spiteful, angry, out of control, fearful, selfish, un-disciplined & very, very weak. I don't feel victorious most days. I don't feel like an overcomer either. But, the greatest, most incredible thing about the love of God is that our victory is NEVER based on our feeling. I am not an overcomer because I have done anything to overcome. He has done it all. He has made me worthy in his Son.
When I look around at all that He has given me, I can't believe it. I have a husband who loves me and leads me gently into the arms of Jesus. I have a son, a miracle who was such a precious gift that we thought we would never receive. When I look at my family, my friends, my home...all that I have is because I have a Father who loves me, in spite of me. I have done nothing and can never do anything to receive it. He has given freely the very best to lavish on us, who are so undeserving. He is extravagant, abundant, generous, abounding, & sufficient!
This Christmas, and always, I hope more than ever, that you know how much you are loved by God. Just as you are.
"For I am persuaded beyond doubt that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39