Mar 13, 2009


Originally uploaded by Ruthie Magee
Much to Tamara's joy, I'm sure, I have joined the 365 challenge. I thought it would be a good year, since there will be a lot going on and it will give me something to do, when all is calm too! :)

Mar 12, 2009

Photography 101

I'm so excited!
My good friend, Justin & his uber cutie wife, Lorene are in town.
Justin has been my counsel during my
season of my life. He knows so much and was so patient to explain stuff.
Tomorrow, we're going to go out together and he's going to show me even more!
Did I mention I'm so excited??!!

Speaking of photography, there are a few people that I'm just waiting with great
anticipation to photograph...

1. Livvie & Lily in the summer
2. The Wiebe's feet in a row

Like this, but a real photograph
3. Tamara (have you seen how photogenic she is? Click HERE
4. Leah dancing
5. The Colbornes

There is much more, but I really would just go on forever!!

I have 2 weddings, 1 engagement, and 2 other sessions already booked for this summer.
So you can imagine my relief that Justin the hero
is here to teach me!!!!

Mar 11, 2009

Dans le Noir

Imagine going to dinner at an incredible 5 star restaurant.
You order this...

But when the waiter brings it to you, all you see is this...

Because you're in complete and utter darkness!!

When we go to Montreal, we are going to be dining at

Dans le Noir

an experience that we will never forget
We will be eating in complete darkness.
All of our waiters and waitresses will be blind.
We cannot leave the table unless we get our server to escort us.
We call out their name if we need a refill or something extra added to our meal.

I'm so excited! Its going to be so incredible!

Mar 10, 2009

On the lookout...

When we head to Toronto, I'm hoping to pick up these items:

The Shootsac

by Jessica Claire

This bag is a neoprene camera case with a million zip pockets for lenses, memory cards, chargers, batteries, usb cords and more!!


A Camera Backpack

Mar 9, 2009

Take a deep breath!!!!!

Weekend Highlights:

The Wedding was beautiful!

Bible Jeopardy was a soaring success (might have something to do with the deafening car horns they got to beep when they had the right answer!)

Mark and I did our complete budget for the next while last night.
This was our wonderfully nutritious meal. Man, I have to get groceries!

Then we watched...

It was the most successful budgeting night we've ever had.

Ok...on to the really good stuff

We are going to Toronto & Montreal
in May!
We'll be seeing...
Steph & Josh

My Cousin Nicole & her boyfriend, Brenden

Its going to be AWESOME!!!!

and for the final part of my exciting news post....

...drumroll please...

In October....
...we are going to see...

in Vancouver

I cannot even handle life right now!!!!!!!

I'm sooooo excited!!!

So, its been an incredible weekend!!!

Mar 8, 2009

The Joy of Raw

Well, thanks to my great friend Justin, my photography for Lance and Cindy's wedding was not a complete failure. The ceremony pictures are going to be a trial to edit. The candlelight was incredibly beautiful, but a nightmare to photograph. I'm really happy with the family & wedding portraits. There aren't that many compared to past weddings, because the freezing cold weather almost killed the bride, but the ones we did, I'm pretty happy with. The one thing that saved the pictures was that Justin told me to shoot in raw, which gives me alot more control of editing and restoring.
I don't normally do this, but I thought I'd share 3 pictures from the wedding, just so you can see
the results. (The rest will be posted on the Life in Moments website after Lance & Cindy have received them)

I'm also so grateful that Leah was at the back of the church, with Starlas Canon on a tripod. Most of the good ceremony pictures are because of her!

Overall, this was a great weekend. I will post more tomorrow!! :)