Sunday was a great day! Church was awesome. After, a bunch of people went out to the lake! It was fantastic! Mark took this picture of me & Livvie! Its now in my Top 10 favorites!!

Well, the GTT (Geographical Training Time) is swiftly approaching & I've been trying to get the music done. I'm excited, nervous (like usuall) & anticipating great things. I'm very excited to have Rigby from South Africa & Mike from Nanaimo coming!! Here is the link to their churches:
I've also been writing some songs which I hope to post soon (if I get enough courage). Leah & I will be doing a set at the Hope for the Children Coffee House in September:

Its also our 7 year anniversary on Monday, the 25th! I can't believe its been that long! We will be celebrating it in September or October when we have a bit more money!
So that's my life in a nutshell lately! Busy & Beautiful, Leaning on the very capable arm of the Father, learning to trust Him alone!