Well, I can't even begin to tell you the excitement I feel at all of the stuff I am getting.
I recently hosted a
Norwex Party
I had a few friends there & we had a fun evening.
My mom was thoroughly convinced, which takes a whole lot when it comes to cleaning!
This is all the stuff I'm getting with my Hostess Package
(Possibly the best Hostess package I've ever seen):
Laundry Detergent
Dental Floss
Car Cloth
Cleaning Paste
Mattress Cleaner
3 Enviro Cloths
Enviro Cloth Travel 4 Pack
Body Pak...so excited about this!
Value: Over $200...WOW!
I'm really excited because this puts me one huge step closer to completing one of my Resolutions for 2009!
Thanks to all the ladies who made this possible!!!! :)
I'm so grateful!!
These are the rest of the items on my list to get still:
Wet/Dry Mop
Dishwasher/Washer Magnet Balls
Dryer Balls
Micropad (like Magic Eraser minus formaldehyde)
Toilet Brush & Cleaner
Kitchen Dish Cloths
Bath Mat (Holds 10x its weight in water)