Oct 10, 2006

The greatest day EVER!!!

Well, some of you know this, but maybe some don't: I've been looking for the name of this show i watched when i was a kid. The one with a dancing record with wooden spoons. Anyways, i wasn't really looking for it, and i found it, after....6 years of searching!!!! So I'm very excited to day to bring you:

Size small..not so tall...we love you just as you are...no one can take your place...that smile that lights your face...cause being different makes you very special...

Do u remember it? Well, the records name was Friend Record. On my search to find pics of the show, i found a ton of old shows that I remembered. Here are my faves....

View this video montage created at One True Media
Do you remember...


Christy said...

I love it! i forgot about half those shows!

Good old size small!

Sarah said...

That brought back so many memories!! Thats awesome.

Justin said...

What, no Transformers?!?