Mar 14, 2007

Everything Glorious...

Inspired by Tamara's new post, I've decided to follow suit...

1. Stranger than Fiction: In my Top 5! Its beautiful & brilliant!
It'll make you cry & laugh. Always a good combo!

2. Shoes & Feet Pics: I just love them. I think feet tell a story about where you've been and where you're going! My new house will be covered with pics of feet.

3. The Book of Ruth. I recently read a fictional novella about Ruth by Francine Rivers called Unshaken. It inspired me to dig deeper into the book of Ruth, which has been life changing. But that is a whole other post!

4. Everything Glorious by Passion. This is a live worship CD done by Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, David Crowder & Matt Redman! Its sooo good!
5. Mark. I know thats really cheese ball, right? But I am just so in love. We've been together for almost 8 years and married almost 6, and I really can't imagine my life without him. There have been some really dark days in my life where I thought I couldn't face it anymore, and there he was: courageous & strong, ready to lift me out. God has used him in my life to confront things in my life that would hurt me, to challenge me to be who I was meant to be, and most of all, to make me laugh. It has been laughter that has brought us through so much. And I really can't imagine walking this road alone!


Jenny said...

Great list...I might do this one tonight!!

Tamara said...

I also love feet pictures!!

Stephanie said...

I agree, Stranger than Fiction is an awsome movie!

Super sleuth said...

We took your recommendation and watched 'Stranger than Fiction' last night. It was a fantastic movie, Thanks for the tip!

Tab said...

I love the book of Ruth in the Bible. I will have to check out the book by Francine Rivers.

Tab 'n Philip said...

OKEY DOKEY! Thank the Lord for Philip. He got everything set up for me so now we can blog. That was challenging. =) ha ha! Anyway, this is the second comment and the correct account. Look forward to hearing from you. =)