Jan 7, 2009

2009 Ambitions

A little late I know, though if you are a frequent reader, you'll know I've been working on the list for a while. So here it is! It will also be permanently posted over there ------>

1. Exercise at least 3 times a week. (This has been a great success so far. I began the gym on Dec.29 and I've gone 7 times so far)
2. Live (mostly) Green (which I posted in detail on my Nov.3rd post)
3. Get a tight handle on our budget.
4. Live generously.
5. Learn to crochet & sew (with a machine)
6. Become disciplined in my devotions, study & prayer time.
7. Write to friends that I have lost touch with.
8. Make homemade gifts.
9. Take a photography course
10. Study Nutrition so that menu planning, eating healthy & making better choices comes easier.
11. Learn more about adoption (also on my Nov.3rd post)
12. Buy a house or seriously look into it.
13. Go on an actual holiday.
14. Work on career plan.
15. De-clutter house
16. Organize & be a better steward of my time.
17. Finish what I start, no matter how annoying, mundane or monotonous.
18. Go to the library, thrift stores & 2nd hand stores more often.
19. Buy a new wardrobe (will happen if I fulfill #1 & #10)
20. To live this year as a true representative of Jesus, letting my life give Him glory.


Unknown said...

Yay! Come on over.. we'll sew up a storm ;)

Anonymous said...

After all this, there is only one thing to say: Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for. ECCLESIASTES 12:13 TEV