Apr 19, 2008

Eco what?

is for


for walking the road that God has set out for us

Summer: so I can go to the beach with my mates


probably the most important holiday to remember

because of the sacrafice that was given on our behalf


which I just read do a pretty incredible thing when another elephant dies.

Each elephant from the herd will take a turn touching the tusks of the one who died. Its

their way of honoring the fallen one. The tusk represents their majesty and strength. So they are saying without words, "I recognize you"


I think i could look at one for hours

which my sister is trying to get me to be! I have the re-usable bags & thats about it so far!


Which the doctor says I need to buy to strengthen my back!

Well, I bought one today at a garage sale with my sister for $20!!!

Now all I have to do is fill my mp3 and I'm on my way!!!

I won't be posting Sundays from now on unless something momentous happens, So I'll say so long until Monday...look forward to the letter F!!


1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love my elliptical! It's a great way to workout! You got one for $20?? Wow, that's some kind of deal!
I love elephants...they are awesome!