Jun 18, 2008

Open Mic!!!

All Right Folks! Step right up!
I'm going to do one last post before my trip!
So I'm following in the steps of Christy & Gwen
Please post your questions or subjects you'd like me to
comment on & before we leave I will post the results!!!
There is no question that is off limits
(except for anything inappropriate) &
I will be totally transparent & honest!! You have my word!
So fly at er', this is the chance of a lifetime :)


Jenny said...

I've already asked you my question in another comment...lol...can't remember what it was though!!

starla said...

If you had to pick one cooking staple what would it be? And I mean a food item.

Gwen said...

What 3 items would you want to have if you were stranded on a desert island?

(no fair saying sat phone/flares/gps etc)

Anonymous said...

If you could have any super power what would it be? Would you use it for good or evil? How would it benefit you or man kind?

Unknown said...

If there was one part on your body that you could put extra weight what would it be?

Tamara said...

Your most favourite poem in the whole entire world is...??

Anonymous said...

If you could have anything you ever wanted?? What you you want and what would you do with it??

What is your dream guitar??

Do you have bellybutton lint?


Piú giú, in fondo alla Tuscolana...!?...passvo per un saluto!