Sep 24, 2008

Farewell..for a bit

Today got me thinking a lot! And I won't go into great detail about it all, but I'm going to be taking some time offline. I'm not sure how long it will be, but I just really feel like I need to spend time getting some things balanced in my life. Right now, they are chaotic in a lot of ways, and I don't like the way its made me feel. So with that said, I bid you farewell.
I hope my return will bring lots of new stories & revelations to share with you!
Love you much! :)
p.s. I still have a phone & I use it!!;)


Tamara said...

Good luck!! I'm doing the same thing...only with facebook though.

Anonymous said...

If you need to vent..I'm here and a great listener. Take care my dear friend!! All will work out!